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Writing from scratch
Editing / Proofreading
Multiple Choice Questions
Problem Solving
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(275 words)
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Admission help

Our Pricing Policy

How the Prices Are Formed

In our company, we set prices for each paper, basing on the following criteria:

Type of writing. You can choose among several options: writing from scratch, editing, problem solving, and multiple-choice questions.

Time frame set for an assignment. You can also select from several options. When in a hurry, you can choose an option of urgent order that will be completed in just 3 hours. Certainly, the more time you provide us with, the lower is the price.

Academic level. Here, you can choose from Undergraduate (high school or college), Bachelor or Professional (Master’s or a Ph.D. level work). You will receive the paper written in a style that matches the chosen academic level.


  • Preferred author. You can choose one only if you set the deadline for your order more than 24 hours.
  • VIP customer service. This means your order becomes #1 for our Customer Support Team. Each of your requests and messages will be answered in the first place, and you will get SMS notifications of your order’s progress.
  • SMS notifications with the status of your order.
  • Plagiarism report as an official proof of the originality of the essay. We provide a report by WebCheck.
  • Abstract page
  • Sources used. We will provide you with the digital copy of used materials in .doc/.docx/.pdf formats, or as print screens or images of the pages used. The documents will be available in your control panel.
  • Table of contents
  • Editor’s check


Our customers can use the following discounts for their papers:

  • A 5% discount for the orders with a price above $500
  • A 10% discount for the orders with a price above $1000

Loyalty Program

We have a unique Loyalty Program for our regular customers as we want all students to be satisfied with our service and make them come back for new orders. We provide you with an option to get bonuses for every order placed on our website. You can use these bonuses for future orders.

How it works:

  1. Place an order and get your first 10% bonus from the payment after it is completed.
  2. Approve the completed assignment and transfer bonuses to your Store credit balance in your profile.
  3. Use the bonuses to pay for the next order. You can also use discounts from our emails.